Friday, September 30, 2011

Wind Data beginning

We actually did get our initial wind data.  An outside day to begin as team green has the parking lot to measure.


Team awesome gets to climb the stairs to the top of the parking garage for measurements.

The flag was moving so should our anemometers!

We are encouraging students to do their own blog team Green is at the beginning stages for this at

 We will return again next time we have a block to get more data!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

We hope to begin mapping

Today we hope to begin mapping wind speeds outside.  Obviously it depends upon the rain holding off. As we fill out the review of what we have done we notice how design has taken over our work and we hope to include other factors as well.  Although the design is obviously the student love.  They love to tinker to make it better, or even just make it work!

Awesome is coming along! Look at their design and then it is working.  Now we need data collection!

And team green has decided to make their design more rigid to be able to control angles of the blade better so they cut Balsa wood and tried again.

Off to measure Wind Speed, we hope!

Monday, September 26, 2011

awesome prepares their design for testing...

green is collecting data with the photogate, voltage and anemometer probes...

the photogate

team green is using the photogate sensor to measure
the number of revolutions...

Another Week

We are beginning another week! 

Lets look at the old

The current:          


Team Awesome's idea which they are trying to carry out is an iteration.  Remember they were doing  a vertical axis design when we began.


Meanwhile Team Green appears to have it together, there design is based on a combination of new and old;   

And the teachers are just letting the design process work, posting and publicizing the successes and lack there of, for all to see.  Our blogging skills improving.

We made the school newsletter as well!  Check out the newsletter  .  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Data is here!!!

We finally got some good initial data from team green.

And in order to add some competition to the group the teachers decided to also compete.

  Students push to demonstrate their work.  Team Green seems to have it!

Students are also beginning to use the Nspires as more then data collection devices as they collect and manipulate their data.  Here Rohit does some work within lists and spreadsheets.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 3 video

team green experiences some trouble...

Week 3 Begins

As we begin our next week;
It is truly amazing that the engineering design process just evolves out of working on a problem.

Log books are created to document initial work.
This documentation leads the students back to some original documentation.
This leads students to more construction

This leads of course to more testing

We still need some real data collection and connections to local sites to visit.  To help with this students will be assigned "their own" NSpires today.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We Begin Week 2

Students in class are really getting into the construction phase of things after choosing up their teams and direction of their projects.
Team Amazing (Aniket, Osi, Mark) is here with their vertical axis windmill model.

Team Green (Joe, Rohit, Patrick)  is here with their Horizontal axis windmill model.

Class is progressing during the elective block.  They even began some initial testing using their models and a fan to see that things "really worked" and connecting sensors to a TI NSpire.

NEXT: we hope to actually collect some real data!

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 8, 2011

We are just beginning our STEM Project journey  and we start with reading some directions.

And then practice using the TI NSpire handheld and Vernier anemometer to measure wind speed of a fan.